Ticket #802 ( Closed )

Short Description "the columns don't line up"
Entered By: thomasjw When: 2001-06-13 12:02:39 Build: 3.0.1C GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: HTML Generation
Not being an HTML/browser techie, can you explain to me in 
terms that I might understand why forms that appear fine 
using IE 5.0 look misaligned when using NS Nav 4.7 or 6.0?

I found an option in NS Nav 4.7 called 'Enable Style 
Sheets' that when turned off, the forms look fine. When on, 
the forms are out of alignment. There doesn't appear to be 
a settable option in NS 6.0 to change this .. it's always 

I read in the documentation some references to HiFi HTML 
which is available in IE browsers. It apparently doesn't 
translate very well when using NS browsers. 

Understanding that IE is typically considered the 'browser 
of choice' for most users, I am never-the-less trying to 
make my applications display consistantly using both.

Is there any recourse for me?

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-06-13 12:18:14  New Status: Pending Customer
The fact that style sheets are making NS "not as good" is 
probably some kind of regression for NS--we would like to 
fix this right away--there IS a different style sheet for 
NS, and maybe everything just needs a little tweaking.

Can you please run SS in diagnostic mode, and access a 
screen that demonstrates ugly NS behavior the most, then 
send your \screensurfer\hostserver\templates.log file to 
