Ticket #798 ( Closed )

Short Description How do I suppress the p.gif width=3 being generated on each line?
Entered By: PeteL When: 2001-06-11 07:55:11 Build: 3.01I
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: HTML Generation
The "margin" at the beginning of each line has a p.gif on 
it--how can it be suppressed?

(added by supportcenter staff)
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-06-11 08:40:28  New Status: Pending Customer
To remove, set registry setting EntryFirstColumnAdjust to 
zero (0).

This extra width setting was added to ensure proper 
alignment in screens that have entry fields starting at 
column 1 (attribute byte on previous line at column 80).

By padding each line that does NOT have an entry field with 
the width of the 3D inset starting an input field, that 
padding can then be dropped for lines that do have an input 
field in these positions...keeping alignment.

This actually mostly shows-up in using the Visual Surfer 
mapping tools, so that the highlight isn't offset.
Append By: PeteL  When: 2001-06-11 08:58:23  New Status: Pending IE
that did it, thanks - but you can add this setting to the 
ones that aren't available via the registry GUI  ;-)