Short Description
stacked compile directories
When: 1998-07-01 07:17:29 Build: 1.03.17c
Department: Product
DevCenter Compiling
since we are now cutting over to production, i need to look at how i'm going to manage the test environment. one of these issues is code syncronization. i'd like to be able to define a "stack" of directories which should be scanned for .stml files for compile. this way, i could have a drive mapping for the production server on the test machine, and the only template code i'd need to keep there was anything that was not production. i'd simply need to know how the compiler would handle duplicates, so i could stack them in the appropriate order to know that the test code would be effective on the test machine. definitely not a big problem at this point, nor is it ever likely to be a big problem, just a nice-to-have.
By: WindSurfer When: 1998-07-01 20:52:45 New Status:
Pending Customer
I see this enhancement working like a path environment variable, only a little different, in that rather than a "search" in the path, it is a cumulative list with no duplicates allowed.
This would enable a template specification which had dirpath1;dirpath2;dirpath3...
In the meantime, you can try simply using a file list, and entering that as the template specification. A file list is an ASCII file which simply has fully qualified file names in it, one file name on each line. You can then manually control where you compile from; test or production by changing the file paths on an individual basis.
The template specification is then an "@" symbol followed by the fully qualified name of the file containing the file list.
By: PeteL When: 1998-07-02 05:51:05 New Status:
Pending IE
it won't provide the "test stacked with production" capability if duplicates are not allowed. ideally, you (IE) would specify that either the first of any duplicates or the last of any duplicates would be the one used, this would define the order of stacking. for example, once we're production, i'd like to have no templates on my development machine except for any that i'm working on, but the ones i'm working on are most likely also on the production machine. so i just need to point at my local directory and the production directory, but make sure that anything on my local directory takes precidence.
By: WindSurfer When: 1998-07-02 07:40:34 New Status:
Pending Customer
Right--no duplicates, with first file found in the path (left-to-right) taking precedence.
By: PeteL When: 1998-07-02 08:09:13 New Status:
Pending IE
ok, what you're saying is that duplicates aren't going to cause the thing to crash or stop, they'll just be ignored, right? (ok, so i can't spell precedence ... :)
By: WindSurfer When: 1999-01-05 16:51:31 New Status:
Pending Customer
This one's ready (also ended-up in another ticket).