Ticket #778 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Connection Wizard
Entered By: willchitwood@pointpathbank.com When: 2001-05-31 12:24:49 Build: 2.0.10T GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Installation
I have run across an issue that I have not seen before.  
When trying to access the connection request page I get a 
purple screen that has a connection wizard and a Connect to 
any host form versus the usual connect to any available 
session link and connect to toy mainframe session.  I 
believe this happend because configure automaticly was not 
checked during installtion.  What do I need to do so that I 
can get the page I am used to seeing. i.e. connect to any 
available session link and connect to toy mainframe link.
I have the LU's set up in the setting section.
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2001-05-31 12:29:36  New Status: Pending Customer
Did you uninstall your prior version of Screensurfer and 
install a new one?  If so, which version did you install?

The connection page is generated from the Home section in 
the global template.  If you have the global.stml file from 
the prior installation you could possibly use that one...
Append By: willchitwood@pointpathbank.com  When: 2001-05-31 12:39:58  New Status: Pending IE
I have copied the global.stml over the one I installed and 
then recompiled.  It seemed to give me what I was looking 
for.  Thanks.  I was installing surf2_0f.exe which i 
believe was the same version.  So did this have nothing to 
do with selecting auto-configure?
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2001-05-31 12:48:36  New Status: Pending Customer
Great!  I believe that is true...