Ticket #775 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Displaying multiple host screens
Entered By: thomasjw When: 2001-05-29 14:59:36 Build: 3.0.1C GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: 3270 Datastream
I have a situation where the user presses a function key to 
submit a screen request to the host. The host replies with 
a "request sent .. please wait" screen/msg. After a 
relatively short period of time, the host sends the screen 
with the requested imformation. The problem I am having is 
that I can only get one or the other screen to display but 
not both. Regardless of what I try, I can't get the "wait" 
screen to display prior to the end result screen being 

In effect what is happening is that the single user request 
results in 2 time-seperated screen writes from the host. 
The documentation seems to cover this situation but only 
allows for waiting until the final screen arrives before 
displaying it without the ability to display the 
intervening screens.

Is there a solution to this problem?
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2001-05-29 15:32:03  New Status: Pending Customer
Thomas, we received your ticket and are researching the 
best way to resolve.  We will forward you information as 
soon as possible.  Thanks!
Append By: thomasjw  When: 2001-05-30 08:41:57  New Status: Pending IE
I look forward to your response.