Ticket #770 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description I need to get an Float
Entered By: AlexandraLaCruz@HiperCom.com When: 2001-05-23 19:28:18 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Evaluation
I am trying to read an Float form AS400 but if the account 
is 200.000 (Two Houndred Thousand) it read 200 (Two 

I use this Instruction
<TESET IBS_C_Credito.Credito=TextTrim(Screen(7,37,14))>

The value of Screen(7,37,14) is "       270.000"
and the var IBS_C_Credito.Credito was declared like Float 
 but with this instruction I got 270, this is an error.

How can I get a Flot from screen?
I will tahnk you if you can help me!

This is a part from Log:
   19:45:20.567      <TESECTION> ibs_cli.IBSPRMO (START)
   19:45:20.567          <TESET> Variable screen.sessionkey
                                 BEFORE = 
                                 AFTER  = 
1_oni38212917_38226406 (rc=0)
   19:45:20.567       <TEACTION> GetSession
   19:45:20.567  Action Complete Session=1
   19:45:20.567          <TESET> Variable 
                                 BEFORE = 0
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-05-23 19:40:13  New Status: Pending Customer
So, do your values of 200 thousand have:


Where, in the United States we are used to:



If that is the problem, then we need to give you an option 
for this right away...as a thousands separator definition.

Please specify your exact build of Screensurfer, and if you 
are active with your maintenance payments, we can provide a 
fix for your exact build, otherwise we will fix for latest 
version2 or version3.