Sorry about being a pest but I tried 2.0.11H last night and
I found something else that is strange. The code and trace
below show that a comparison using textleft returns an
incorrect value after you make a large assignment of a
string but the same statement is fine before the assigment.
Thanks, Mark
<TESECTION TestCompare
when tranpath_1 is "TestCompare">
<TEIF TextLeft("A",1) != TextLeft("A",1)>
<TESHOW 'TextLeft("A",1) != TextLeft("A",1) -- that is
not good'>
<TESHOW "Comparison is correct before assignment of large
<TEDECLARE var DummyStr text 30000>
<TESET DummyStr
<TESET DummyStr = DummyStr
+ "CND3519,CND3523,CND3524,CND3531,CND3532,CND3533,CND3534,C