Ticket #750 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description type Script class Pass-through Area generates NaN>
Entered By: Bill When: 2001-05-02 11:19:43 Build: 3.0.1b
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
In the Screen Obiect Editor when I edit my Fields and 
Select a field as type Script, class Pass-through Area
and generate the script returns and displays NaN> instead 
of the field designated
Append By: Bill  When: 2001-05-02 11:27:01  New Status: Pending IE
Sorry, I believe Gail Submitted a simular error
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2001-05-02 11:29:27  New Status: Pending Customer
No problem Bill, the "more the merrier" :)

FYI...We reproduced this problem...Thanks!
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-05-02 11:29:58  New Status: Pending Customer
That's right--this has been reported and fixed.  We had 
hoped to have the fixes available earlier this week, but 
they are now scheduled to be available on Friday.