Ticket #748 ( Closed )

Short Description Session Management Questions
Entered By: gaucho When: 2001-05-01 16:58:24 Build: 2.0.10Q GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
Hi Bill,

We are in the process of implementing a second application 
using the same Screen Surfer.  At this time, I have a few 
questions regarding Session/Connection management, as well 
as, a few random questions.

In one of the session management codes you have written for 
us, you used the following code:
TESHOW ManageSessions("servstart","1")--  
what the "1" mean?  Do I receive a different value or does 
the 1 have a different parameter definition if there are no 
quotation marks around the 1?

Also, does the "TESECTION STARTUP" need to be placed in the 
global.stml template or can it be recognized from anywhere?

In reference to cookies, I was able to set cookies on a 
particular machine (well, I don't know if I set it, but the 
return value was that of a set cookie), but is there a way 
I can check the values in the cookie so that I KNOW that 
the cookie was set?
Do you have an updated ver