Ticket #746 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Unable to Generate Multi Row Map
Entered By: aid9079@mail.idpa.state.il.us When: 2001-04-30 12:27:36 Build: 3 release
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
The following error is generated when I attempt to generate 
a multi-row map.  Also, you may already be aware of this 
problem as we encountered something similar in training and 
Jeff U. made a note of it.


Line: 795
Char: 0
Error: 'tblClass' is not defined
Code: 0 
URL: http://localhost:83/docs/devtool/mapgen.html?
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2001-04-30 13:15:48  New Status: Pending Customer
Gail, we were able to reproduce this bug and we fixed it.  
The fix will be available later today.  If you need a 
workaround sooner than later today, please let us know and 
we'll see if we can create a workaround for you....
Append By: aid9079@mail.idpa.state.il.us  When: 2001-04-30 13:52:33  New Status: Pending IE
I can wait until later today.  Will there be notification 
when a new release containing the fixes is available?  I 
received an email Friday about New Version: 3.0.1B being 
available but wasn't sure if this contained our fixes or if 
it was a general notification about V3 to everyone using 
your product.

Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2001-04-30 14:45:54  New Status: Pending Customer
Yes, all your fixes will be included in the version 
available later today and you will be notified.  Also, you 
can apply the new ielua.exe in the t3_0_1b.zip file but it 
does not have fixes that apply to you.  Lastly, this new 
ielua.exe will be included in the version distributed 