Ticket #742 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description ODBC problems:
Entered By: mmwebesa@totsol.net When: 2001-04-27 15:36:11 Build: 3.0
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
Hello there again:

I keep on getting this error when I trying doing any 
database connections with the new, production version of 
screen surfer.  The last test version that is running on my 
localhost works perfectly when doing this very same 
connection.  Could you kindly help me out again and tell me 
what could be wrong.
The error message is as follows:
Internal Execution error in Template 
Section "aspireconvenience.deletefrombat048", OpCode 
TEPUTSECTION due to exception code C0000005 
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-04-27 15:41:07  New Status: Pending Customer
Are there any compile errors when you compile?

A missing section referenced in a TEFETCH can cause an 
exception...also, if your templates are now compiled in a 
different order than before, it can cause your DB source to 
be disconnected from other DB calls.

Sometimes, you need to do the following:

1. Create a new sub-folder in your project folder, like 

2. Copy any .stml files that contain a definition for a 
DBSource to this sub-folder.

3. Create a file, compile.lst in your project folder, and 
have two lines in it:


Save the file.

4. Change the template compile specification in the project 
settings to:  @projectname\compile.lst

5. Recompile--this will now compile everything in the 
DBSource subfolder first, then everything in the primary 
project folder.