Ticket #738 ( Pending IE )

Short Description Screen Object Generation
Entered By: aid9079@mail.idpa.state.il.us When: 2001-04-26 12:36:32 Build: 3.0.1a GA
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
On occations, when I generate a screen map the right bottom 
frame shows page not found error and will not allow me to 
generate the map.  If I try I get a error.  I Have to 
either recompile or back completly out.  Sometimes it takes 
as many as 15 times to get it to generate.

I have Screen prints If you need them.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-04-26 14:49:22  New Status: Pending Customer
So, if you keep clicking on the button, it eventually 
generates?  Or, will it never generate once you are in this 
particular state?

Can you please go into your IE Internet Options / Advanced 
and uncheck the "friendly HTTP errors" --then, the next 
time this happens, can you right-click on the right bottom 
frame, view properties, then copy and paste the URL that is 
there...then append to this ticket to help identify how 
this is happening...

Thanks for the help. 
Append By: aid9079@mail.idpa.state.il.us  When: 2001-04-27 12:29:50  New Status: Pending IE
This is Gail Austin responding.  Bill Antonacci originally 
posted this. (We are all using my id).  But I am now 
getting this error.  Here's the 'friendly' URL:
