Ticket #737 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Default pass through for screen object wizard
Entered By: aid9079@mail.idpa.state.il.us When: 2001-04-26 12:32:44 Build: 3.0.1h
Categories Type: Suggestion   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
On many of the screens that I am putting through the screen 
object wizard I only want to edit 1 or 2 fields(mostky 
adding drop downs).  But, to do this I have to touch every 
text and data field on the screen or the screen data 
unorganized and with fields not lining up.  It would be 
better to be able to select only the fields that I wish to 
edit and then on the last step on the generation default 
all remaining fields to pass through
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-04-26 14:39:08  New Status: Pending Customer
We are working on this--the way it will work is that if on 
the generation options screen you select a default field 
type of passthrough (new option), all of the portions of 
the screen you didn't touch will be <TEAREA> tags, 
surrounding the fields that you did touch.

There may be formatting issues with this approach in 
columnar layouts, but in many cases it should work OK--our 
earlier DevCenter wizards actually worked like that, and 
now we are working on merging the old and the new.

One caution is that a screen containing passthrough tags is 
not usable for a create or update workflow--only inquiry, 
since the data in the screen cannot be stored properly or 
identified as fields.

Will let you know when the new functionality is available.