Ticket #732 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Screen object wizard not keeping edits
Entered By: aid9079@mail.idpa.state.il.us When: 2001-04-25 12:24:23 Build: 3.0.1A GA
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
After ID and Navigation I entered the Screen object Wizard 
and selected create a base screen map.  After completing 
the screen to where I wanted it I generated the screen 
map.  Once I restart my system and then enter the Screen 
Object wizard again for the same screen I get, instead of 
edit base screen map, create base screen map again and none 
of my previous field settings are present.  If I try to 
generate the map again I get an error. "row is null or not 
an object."  This only occurs if I restart my computer 
after going through the wizard. If I delete the template 
and map files and then redo the ID and navigate and Screen 
Object Wizard I can go back to the wizard at any time and 
edit the map I created until I resart my computer.  
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-04-25 14:33:23  New Status: Pending Customer
Can you please zip-up the following files:

1. In the screencache directory, the two files with your 
screen's name as the root of the filename.
2. Your template file created in the SOW that then doesn't 
work after a system reset.

Then, send an e-mail to surfer@ie.com, with a subject of 
Ticket #732 and attach the cache and .stml file zip...

Thanks--this will enable us to reproduce the problem and 
identify what is happening with this screen.