Ticket #720 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Scheduling the running of .stml files:
Entered By: mmwebesa@totsol.net When: 2001-04-09 10:10:54 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
Is there any way in screen to schedule time a .stml file 
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2001-04-09 10:32:32  New Status: Pending Customer
Martin, to answer question best we direct you to the 
documentation.  Click on the Start button and click on 
Screensurfer Documentation.  When the main documentation 
page is displayed, click on the "Basic Scripting" tab.  
From "Basic Scripting", at the top of that page under "Page 
Links" click on the "Time driven TESections" link.  At that 
place in the documentation, how to schedule sections of 
code to run is explained.  Please let us know if you need 
further assistance.
Append By: mmwebesa@totsol.net  When: 2001-04-09 10:43:38  New Status: Pending IE
Thanks I have seen it and I will play with it and I think I 
will figure it out.  Thanks again.
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2001-04-09 10:44:34  New Status: Pending Customer
You are welcome and happy "surfing"!!!! :)