Ticket #683 ( Closed )

Short Description Right justification of data entry; change order of fields
Entered By: AnthonyA@flynet.co.uk When: 2001-02-26 12:58:31 Build: 3.0.0J
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: DevCenter SurferScript Generation
Two questions arising from Visual Surfer:

1.  How can I make a Standard Data Entry Field Right 
Justified for numeric 
entry?  The Data(right aligned) style only appears to right 
align the field 
within the screen cell but the data entered is left aligned 
which the 
underlying AS/400 application does not recognise.

2.  Which files do I edit to change the field sequence on 
the screen?  I've 
tried to edit the .STML file but I see no change.

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-02-26 13:30:58  New Status: Pending Customer
1. This is a previously unrecognized requirement that we 
will be fixing in Screensurfer's <TEPUTSCREEN> tag, so that 
a field marked as Right Justify in a 5250 buffer is 
properly right-justified.

We will also be providing a Right-Justified Entry field 
class for the Screen object wizard.

Meanwhile, if you locate the TESECTION WEBINPUT, you can 
add the following line after the <TEACTION WEBTOSCREEN..> 
line (use field name of "MyScreen.Amount", 10 characters 
wide in example):

<TESet MyScreenAmount=TextRight("          "+web.Amount,10)>

2. Edit the <TESection PageBody> tag in the screen object--
this has the HTML That manages the display of the page-- 
the screen map itself can be edited, but this won't change 
how the page is displayed to the user.