Need assistance in the configuration of this process.
Please list steps, etc for install on NT box.
The error we're getting is as follows: GetServiceHandle
failed[Screensurfer may not be properly installed].
I've also spoken with Jeff re: Documentation. The NT box
has a poor graphics card and is pixellating the pages,
can't read them.
When we click on an icon, such as Host Access Page, we're
getting "This page cannot be displayed" and the url
of "http://localhost:82/home. Please advise.
We're on a limited time frame, so speed is paramount on
your response.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
-Daniel Kerr
International Paper
Daniel, on the NT box where Screensurfer is installed,
please do the following:
- open a command prompt window
- change the directory to point to the \screensurfer\bin
- from \screensurfer\bin enter the following
command "ielua -remove" and press enter...this removes the
Screensurfer service from the NT services list
- from \screensurfer\bin enter the following
command "ielua -install" and press enter...this installs
the Screensurfer service to the NT services list
- start the Screensurfer service via the "Screensurfer
Service Control Panel"
- double-click on the "Host Access Page" and see what
Please let us know if this resolves the problem. Thanks.