Ticket #677 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description AS/400 error when using streml3270 .
Entered By: steveb When: 2001-02-12 11:49:54 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Evaluation
I am able to log on to the AS/400.  I am also able to make 
a connection to another system which is connected to our 
as400 through a leased line using streml3270 command.  But 
when I try to enter a command on the other system, I am 
getting an error.  I believe that it has something to do 
with 132 column support but I cannot be certain.  Here is 
the exact 3270 error message.Message ID . . . . . . :   
CPF5190       Severity . . . . . . . :   40         
 Message type . . . . . :   
 Date sent  . . . . . . :   02/07/01      Time 
sent  . . . . . . :   19:11:03   
 Message . . . . :   Device GRANGE5603 sent a negative 
response on LU-SSCP      
 Cause . . . . . :   Device response code is 
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2001-02-12 14:15:23  New Status: Pending Customer
After reviewing the log files, we have determined that the 
error message you are receiving indicates a problem outside 
our ability to fix.  

Per our earlier conversation, you had stated that you were 
going to pursue having the MF people allow you to connect 
directly to the "NGM" system via TN3270.  Can you please 
let us know how that works for you?  We hope that this will 
be a viable workaround for you.  

Please let us know if you have further questions.  Thanks!
Append By: steveb  When: 2001-02-16 17:00:17  New Status: Pending IE
I have been trying to figure this out with IBM.  We are 
looking at trace dumps.  1 thing though, they tell me that 
the 3477fg is a green screen and 3477 fc is color.  I do 
not think that this is the problem but I thought that I 
would run it by you.