Ticket #669 ( Closed )

Short Description Leaving Idle Processes In SQL 6.5
Entered By: James Peterson When: 2001-01-26 09:17:14 Build: 2.0.11C GA
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: ODBC Support
  I have been monitoring the odbc processes that are 
created when a session is initiated with SS.  I have my 
data source set as a "Session" level resource.  The 
processes are remaining idle in SQL Server once the session 
is closed.  It seems that once I recompile, a process may 
be dropped but not always.  When i view the process details 
The last SQL executed is the following:

exec sp_server_info 500 select 501,NULL,1 where 'a'='A' 
select 504,c.name,c.description,c.definition from 
master.dbo.syscharsets c,master.dbo.syscharsets 
c1,master.dbo.sysconfigures f where f.config=1123 and 
f.value=c1.id and c1.csid=c.id set textsize 214

Any suggestions on a fix for this problem would be greatly 

James Peterson
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-01-26 09:58:42  New Status: Pending Customer
Build 2.0.11D has the following differences from 2.0.11C 
(what you are on)--

FIX: TEACTION RESTART not working with connection type *ANY 
(very isolated fix in area only hit in RESTART)

We will track this down and fix immediately--I would 
recommend applying to 2.0.11D as a new 2.0.11E since the 
chance of a regression against 2.0.11C is almost zero.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-01-26 10:50:30  New Status: Pending Customer
Can you please download and test 

This has a fix for a stopped session logging-off any 
session-level ODBC connections, as well as freeing any 
longtext variables (it has never done this--thanks for 
finding this resource leak).

At this time, we cannot find why a compile is not cleaning-
up the connections...please confirm if this is definitely 
happening and we can produce an internal database API trace 
version for you to run.
Append By: James Peterson  When: 2001-01-26 11:02:54  New Status: Pending IE
Thanks for the quick response.  Did this result in a Ticket 
credit for us.................

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2001-01-26 11:10:13  New Status: Pending Customer
Yes, you get a ticket credit, but since we have for some 
time had an "unlimited ticket policy" it's kind of like 
adding 1 to infinity :)

So, since your ticket credit isn't worth much, please at 
least accept our gratitude!