Ticket #652 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Problem with multiple LU_Groups
Entered By: pwheeler When: 2000-12-28 12:11:57 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Console Operations
We need to be able to use multiple LU_Groups pointing to 
different pools on the SNA Server.  The devices in each 
pool are set in VTAM to logon to different application/CICS 
regions. I can't quite figure out how to get access to the 
second LU_Group from DevCenter. 

Also, When I attempted to add the second LU_Group to our 
production server, it shut down all of the Screen Surfer 
applications until I removed the second Group.  It appears 
that the connections are all defined to access LU_Group_1: 
(TEACTION CONNECT "LU_GROUP_1"), yet adding the second 
group seems to keep the connection from working at all.  

Any idea what I am doing wrong ?

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-12-28 12:53:38  New Status: Pending Customer
First, when you start Screensurfer with a new 
configuration, use Diagnostic Mode at first, so that the 
console window that comes-up can report any problems 
directly (in service mode, you can also check the Event 
Log, where you probably had a "too many sessions" error.

When defining a group, you need to specify the range of the 

For example, if LU_GROUP_1 is 1..50, to add LU_GROUP_2 you 
need to set things up like:

LU_GROUP_1   1..25
LU_GROUP_2   26..50

Split can be whatever you want...you cannot exceed the 
number of sessions currently licensed on the server when 
specifying the group ranges--this value is displayed (# 
sessions licensed) on the Admin Console home page.

To get to session 2, edit global.stml and add a line in the 
<TESECTION HOME> to link to lu_group_2 instead of 
lu_group_1...you can also hand-key a URL:
