Ticket #649 ( Closed )

Short Description Changing variable lengths during a session
Entered By: Michael - Charleston When: 2000-12-13 10:36:18 Build: 2.0.11A GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Variable Declaration
I am storing a list of delimited strings in a 
session variable that gets appendded as the user's session 
progresses and they add more items.  When I declare the text 
variable without a length it defaults to 32 characters, 
truncating the rest.  Is there a way for me to increase the 
size of my variable during the session (maybe with the TESET 
tag?) or do I have to initially set a very large size hoping 
I don't exceed it . . .
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2000-12-13 10:43:42  New Status: Pending Customer
What we suggest is that you declare a variable with a large 
enough text length to accomodate the maximum string you 
will want to store.  There is a registry entry named 
Maximum String Size that by default is set to 1000.  If you 
think that the string you want to store will be larger than 
1000 characters, then you will need to change this registry 
setting.  To change the registry setting, please do the 

- Stop the Screensurfer service
- Click on Start-Run and enter "regedit"
- Double-click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- Double-click on Software
- Double-click on Intelligent Environments
- Double-click on Screensurfer
- Double-click on Config
- Double-click on Maximum String Size
- Change the value to the new string size value
- Click on OK
- Start the Screensurfer service and the string size 
setting is in effect

Please let us know if you have further questions.  Thanks!