Ticket #648 ( Pending IE )

Short Description Trapping window close in Javascript
Entered By: MRucker When: 2000-12-11 16:59:30 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: JavaScript Error
I have kind of a unique problem/question. We are evaluating 
Screensurfer, and make the mainframe connection via a 
Javascript window.open method. Once we are logged in to the 
mainframe, if we back out properly (PF keys) and then
exit the connection, it works fine. Also, we have an 
endsession template/link that they can click on that does 
the same thing automatically and works just fine. However, 
if we just simply close the window ([X] control box) without
properly backing out, the mainframe still thinks we are 
signed on and it takes some effort to correct this. Our 
users will almost certainly do this. Is there a way to trap 
the window  being closed and still exit cleanly from SS? I 
could try to trap it using window.closed (in global.STML 
template), but once it happens it's after the fact for SS 
and the session is terminated.
I know Jeff U. is already working on this, I just wanted to
make it official by opening a ticket. Thanks for all your