Ticket #639 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Field Exit 'not working'
Entered By: AnthonyA@flynet.co.uk When: 2000-11-29 12:26:04 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Evaluation
Field Exit (i.e. Enter or CR) is being found by a new 
evaluator, connected to an AS400, not to work.  Sounds like 
it is causing the page to be submitted instead of the 
cursor to go to the next field.

Please could you check the log files which I am about to 
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-11-29 13:52:41  New Status: Pending Customer
To activate FieldExit functionality:

1. Set FieldExitMode to "auto" in the registry
1. You need to activate the keyboard control:
- edit personal.stml and set the values at the top to 
default the keyboard control
2. In the activeX object definition, select a key and set it 
to FIELDEXIT, such as:  rcontrol=fieldexit

This should then make the selected key act as a field-exit.

Note that the TAB key will also generally act as a 
field-exit once the AUTO is set in the registry...