Ticket #628 ( Closed )

Short Description cannot login
Entered By: jlaulfsus When: 2000-10-23 18:49:56 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Console Operations
After clicking on "add" with blank entry, I cannot get to 
the console.  I uninstalled, rebooted, and re-installed, 
but it somehow remembers my last s/n and apparently 
the "blank" entry.  So I cannot get to the console.  
There's nothing in the registry that I can find that has 
this "memory footprint".  Can you explain how to flush this 
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2000-10-23 18:56:57  New Status: Pending Customer
Please perform the following:

- run regedit
- navigate to the Screensurfer Config branch in the 
registry (hkey_local_machine, software, intelligent 
environments, screensurfer, config)
- change the value of the registry key "Valid Console 
Ports" to an "*"
- delete the "consoleusers" branch under screensurfer

This will allow you to access the console again.  Thanks!
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-10-23 22:50:05  New Status: Pending Customer
Sorry about the Console Security Add function--there is a 
bug in that it allows a blank entry, as well as one that 
has no authority (!).

It is important until we fix it that you make sure that 
when adding the first user, to include a userid, 
password, and check the Administrator checkbox.
Append By: jlaulfsus  When: 2000-11-02 14:20:53  New Status: Closed
Thank you for your great tech support!