Ticket #626 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Using PF9
Entered By: AlexandraLaCruz@HiperCom.com When: 2000-10-19 11:29:49 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
I have one screen where I have to press PF9 to execute an 
action but, no matter if the host ask press PF3 or PF9 to 
execute the action. I send this key using 
but nothing. The system show me like I don't press this key.
It's like I press another key

Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2000-10-19 11:54:22  New Status: Pending Customer
Don't know if you simply entered the <TEACTION ENTER ...> 
tag incorrectly in this ticket, but please try the 
following instead:


Append By: AlexandraLaCruz@HiperCom.com  When: 2000-10-19 18:22:05  New Status: Pending IE
Sorry, but I use :
           <TEACTION ENTER "[pf9]" SKIPSCAN>

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-10-20 07:08:39  New Status: Pending Customer
Please can you run Screensurfer in diagnostic mode, 
reproduce this problem, right after the screen doesn't 
work right, zip-up the files:


And attach to an e-mail sent to surfer@ie.com.  In the 
subject, reference Ticket #626.

There may be a screen transition problem, so we will help 
you figure it out.
Append By: AlexandraLaCruz@HiperCom.com  When: 2000-10-20 11:34:33  New Status: Pending IE
I send you the log files surfdiag.log and templates.log, 
thank for your help