Ticket #621 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Need to move cursor to fields which are not entry fields
Entered By: AnthonyA@flynet.co.uk When: 2000-10-06 08:21:33 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
This evaluator needs to move the cursor to fields which are 
not entry fields then hit a function key to 'explode' data 
about the selected field.  This need arises in many screens 
in many different applications.  Various function keys are 
used.  (They wish to move the cursor to those fields using 
the arrow keys.)

All of our screen based programs make use of an AS/400 
technique known as
'message subfiles'.
This technique enables a whole screen, say 10 input fields, 
to be validated and
an error message is placed in the subfile for each field in 
error. The subfile
appears on line 24 of the screen, initially with the first 
error message. The
user can see the other messages by placing the cursor (!!) 
on line 24 and
pressing the page keys to scroll through the messages. He 
can also position the
cursor on a message and press HELP to get extra information 
about the error.
Don't worry if this is not clear - the point is that any 