Short Description
Slow response time from workstations
When: 2000-10-04 12:13:55 Build: 2.0.6F
Department: Product
Not Categorized
When we connect to our AS400 via screen surfer the sessions
are extremely slow yet on the PC that is acting as the
server it is fast. How can we speed it up?
By: WindSurfer When: 2000-10-04 16:51:54 New Status:
Pending Customer
If what you are describing is the initial connection to the
system, you need to add a TECONNECTED tag to one of your
template files.
This will reduce the connection time down from 5 seconds to
the actual connect time. The syntax for TECONNECTED is:
<TECONNECTED When Screen_row_col is "text">
Row= the row that "text" appears on the initial screen
col= the column that "text" appears on the initial screen
"text" the text that is being tested for for initial
screen display--try to make it low in the screen
in case the initial screen is produced from multiple
buffer writes from the host
If the extremely slow speeds are experienced at other times,
there may be a screen transition error occurring that we
could diagnose for you.
What is the connection speed between you and the
Screensurfer server?
By: When: 2000-10-05 07:35:28 New Status:
Pending Customer
Please could you see if there is a screen transistion
error? Log files are about to be mailed.
The workstation is connected directly to the network, which
is 100Mbps.
By: WindSurfer When: 2000-10-05 09:03:21 New Status:
Pending Customer
First, the connection can be quicker with a TECONNECTED--the
real problem is in the auto-sync script.
We have identified a problem with threading in certain
browsers, whereby the threads get crossed and a refresh
"echo" occurs.
Do you have IE5.5 as the browser? A fix has been
determined, but I need to check at the office whether it is
in the current build. I will update in 2 hours or so.
Meanwhile, turning-off autosync will fix this particular
In registry--HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Intelligent
Environments/Screensurfer/Config:SynchType, change to 0
(zero), restart Screensurfer and the refresh echo will go
away (but, for connections with fluky host buffers, you will
then need to manually refresh screens in passthrough mode
that haven't had some scripting wrapped around them to
handle odd transitions...normally only needed in logon
By: WindSurfer When: 2000-10-05 12:09:00 New Status:
Pending Customer
OK--new build to try (please with the synchtype=2 in
registry to see if it fixes the refresh echo)--
By: When: 2000-10-05 13:05:36 New Status:
Pending Customer
Thank you for this. I have forwarded it to the evaluator.
At the same time he replied to the earlier suggestions
saying just "Still isn't any faster." I mailed immediately
asking what had been tried - TECONNECTED or synctype 0 -
but have not yet had a reply.
By: WindSurfer When: 2000-10-05 13:25:41 New Status:
Pending Customer
The log definitely showed a serious sync echo
occurring--maybe after updating the registry he didn't stop
and restart SS, which I forgot to mention as a necessity.