Ticket #617 ( Closed )

Short Description Unable to pass password correctly
Entered By: MRucker When: 2000-09-29 16:55:42 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Special Variables
Here is a copy of the code:
<tedeclare var UserID text 6>
<tedeclare var Password text 6>
<tesection Signon
 when tranpath_1 is "Signon">
<!---We connect to the Amdahl mainframe IP address--->
<teaction connect "LU_GROUP_1:TN3270:">
<!-- save userid and password for later
<teset UserID=web.userid>
<teset Password=web.password>
<!---We write string data to the screen--->
<teaction key "s">
<teaction enter "[enter]" skipscan>
<teaction key UserID>
<teaction key "[tab]">
<teaction key "[end]">
<teaction key Password>
<teaction return withscan>

It passes the userid ok, but not the password. I referenced 
ticket #293 (special variables) with a similar problem, but 
still have not been able to get it to work. I have also 
tried <teaction enter 
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-09-29 17:17:05  New Status: Pending Customer
Generally, we always recommend the use of the <TEACTION 
PUTFIELD row column data> over the TEACTION KEY, because 
this has the most robust characteristics in terms of 
updating and performance.

Meanwhile, that isn't your problem--the problem is that the 
URL coming-in is malformed.

You need to ensure that your URL coming in is:


Looking at the trace, it is hard to see what the original 
URL was, but the variables are not getting read correctly.

Remember that a URL must be escaped--no blanks allowed, no 
special characters...yours even had a carriage return escape 
in it!  A blank must be a + sign in a URL, for example.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-09-29 17:19:23  New Status: Pending Customer
Actually, that might not be it--it might be a bug in the 
trace...if your URL is indeed perfect, then double-check the 
spelling of your variable and the web. variable...this is 
very reliable stuff (web. names and variable expressions!) 
as long as the HTTP input is correct.