Ticket #614 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description How to get a connection with *ANY working
Entered By: wfmiller When: 2000-09-26 11:43:09 Build: 2.0.10T
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Configuration
After reading Ticket #348--

I thought *ANY should work, but after trying the suggestion 
at the end of the ticket, There was a DNS error shown in the 
diagnostic log.
So I did my own nslookup and was able to get a response 
from the mainframe using '*TN3270:'. Is there 
any way to use *ANY and specify the actual host in the 
CONNECT statement (while also correctly looking up IP's)?

WinNT/IIS 5.0
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-09-26 11:49:35  New Status: Pending Customer
Absolutely--you implement a connect that looks like:

<TEACTION CONNECT "LU_GROUP_1:tn3270:"> or, 
you can use the DNS name instead of the IP address.

Any chance there is a DNS configuration problem on the 
Screensurfer server?  Does a ping from the command line 
using the DNS name work?