Ticket #613 ( Closed )

Short Description Screen Inspector not highlighting selected item on Windows 2000 Workstation
Entered By: James Peterson When: 2000-09-21 09:15:29 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: DevCenter Administration
Screen Surfer is installed on a NT 4.0 Server and I'm 
accessing the Devcenter via a Windows 2000 Desktop.  When I 
choose the screen Inspector/"View Fields", and select an 
item, the item doesn't appear selected as it does on the NT 
4.0 browser.  The program seems to work fine in that it 
still displays all the development data for the selected 
area but doesn't highlight the area when chosen.  
Append By: James Peterson  When: 2000-09-21 10:59:04  New Status: Pending IE
When using Internet Explorer 5.0 on the Windows 2000 
desktop, it works fine.  The problem occurs using IE 5.5 on 
a Windows 2000 desktop.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-09-21 11:56:33  New Status: Pending Customer
Thank you for the clarification--that was our next question.

This is the second report of issues with 5.5--we will get 
right on this, as it looks like the jscript HTML DOM must 
have been "tweaked" by MS.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-09-21 14:25:20  New Status: Pending Customer
Can you please provide the version of Screensurfer, as well 
as the filedate for the file 

There may be some fixes that you can apply--for example, 
there is a more up-to-date dtmain.js at 

We tried everything to reproduce on a W2K workstation with 
IE5.5 and were unsuccessful in getting it to fail, so 
hopefully the latest DevCenter javascript (in that .js file) 
will fix this for you.
Append By: James Peterson  When: 2000-09-22 08:54:10  New Status: Pending IE
We have several updates that need to be applied for your 
software.  One question though.  Are the patches 
accumlative. If we apply the last update will it contain 
the updates that were made in previous patches or do they 
just update specific functionality per patch.  
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-09-22 11:57:05  New Status: Pending Customer
All updates are cumulative.

For production/near production environments, we can apply 
singular fixes to a specific build, as part of our 
maintenance and support agreement.  For any system that has 
not been through final testing, we always recommend the 
latest build...