Ticket #609 ( Closed )

Short Description Problem using TEREADYWHEN with StrictBufferCount
Entered By: RayWas When: 2000-09-12 11:08:12 Build: 2.0.7C GA
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
I am getting a screen transition error in the log 
intermittently.  I am using strictbuffercount=2 and when I 
run the same screen through, sometimes I get the error and 
sometimes I don't.  Is this a problem on the Screensurfer 
or 3270 side?  Could the 3270 be sending 2 buffers 
sometimes and 1 buffer others?  

I would like to send the script and the log.  What address 
should I send it to?
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2000-09-12 11:22:39  New Status: Pending Customer
Send a templates.log, surfdiag.log and any template files 
to surfer@ie.com.  Thanks!
Append By: RayWas  When: 2000-09-12 11:49:49  New Status: Pending IE