Ticket #599 ( Closed )

Short Description Control
Entered By: samsck When: 2000-08-30 02:48:03 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Installation
I have installed the software and accidentally press the 
update control security button. So now, everytime I try to 
access the control home page i.e. with port 83. I am 
display with Control box to enter my id and password.

I tried have un-installed and re-installed the software 
again but the Control box keeps asking for my id and 

Please advise.

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-08-30 09:36:46  New Status: Pending Customer
You can put the console security back to open using the 
registry editor:

Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Intelligent 
Environments/Screensurfer/Config:Valid Console Ports

Change the value to "*" (an asterisk).

Stop and restart Screensurfer, and it should work fine on 
port 83.

You may also want to delete the user entry you have in there 
now, so that you can start right the next time...
Append By: samsck  When: 2000-08-31 03:20:14  New Status: Pending IE
Thanks, It's okay now but I am having alot of these messages

Warning : The Group : "LU_GROUP_1" for LU "IELUPOOL" has an 
invalid session range of "128"

I am unable to enter my IP address for TN3270/TN5250/SNA 
during installation.

Please assist.

Append By: samsck  When: 2000-08-31 03:51:38  New Status: Pending IE
And also I am unable to connect to any IP host. I got the 
following box messages

ERROR : Could not open sponsor connection to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Do you want to run SNA Client configuration program ?


Please assist
