Ticket #597 ( Closed )

Short Description Screensurfer Divide By Zero Error in Error
Entered By: karen.leuther@realmed.com When: 2000-08-29 12:31:56 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Troubleshooting
We received the following message for no apparent reason.  
It was happening on all test cases all of a sudden for a 
short period of time and then went away just now without 
any changes.

Error: Script Interpreter (During Execution of Template 
Section "sgen01.sgen_data" the enhancement performed a 
divide by zero in a calculation-- please check your code 
and use the trace facility to diagnose.)\n
08:24:48.799 <TERESULT> Status Row
I can email you a good and a bad log file and the code.
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2000-08-29 14:30:47  New Status: Pending Customer
Don't know off the top of my head as to why this is 
happening.  If you could recreate and forward that log file 
along with a log file where it is not happening in the same 
set of code that would be great.  Also, sent along the 
sgen01.stml file to surfer@ie.com.  Lastly, what version of 
Screensurfer are you running?  To verify this, after 
starting Screensurfer, go to the Admin Console Home page 
and the version is listed in the upper right-hand corner.  