Ticket #592 ( Closed )

Short Description 5250 Display Screens
Entered By: QSECOFR When: 2000-08-23 16:08:15 Build: 2.0.10Q GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
I am testing some of our screens.  They do not always 
appear fully.  I was wondering if it was our DDS code or if 
it was the emulator.  The screens appear fine in CA/400.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-08-23 16:10:11  New Status: Pending Customer
By any chance do you use any alternate screen sizes?

If so, the alternate screen sizes need to be defined...you 
can test this by using the connection wizard on the web 
gateway home page, and playing with the terminal type on the 
initial connection.
Append By: as400man@nbyprod.com  When: 2000-08-23 16:48:09  New Status: Pending IE
Unfortunately, we are running standard 24X80.  So far, All 
I've tested is the menus.  Probably half don't even show up 
all the way...if at all.  The others appear, and some even 
have the hyperlinks to run the commands.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-08-23 17:30:02  New Status: Pending Customer
Sounds like our attempt at front-ending menus is causing 
more harm than good--

Try this: rename the file 
\screensurfer\hostserver\templates\as400.stml to as400.bak

Then, stop and start Screensurfer.

Re-test...this should definitely change the menus to be all 
simple pass-through.

Generally, we need to upgrade our enhancement templates for 
as400 menus to accomodate a wider variety of formats.  What 
we have only covers the standard system menus, then gets 
screwed-up on anything else...
Append By: QSECOFR  When: 2000-08-24 10:23:47  New Status: Closed
Renaming the template appears to work.  I will keep testing 
to see if something else appears.  Thanks.