Ticket #588 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Capability of Screen Surfer
Entered By: laxminarayana.gk@majoris.com When: 2000-08-22 00:43:12 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: SNA Protocol
Can I adapt iE Screen Surfer to covert the Unix based host 
application to web based application
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-08-22 07:11:38  New Status: Pending Customer
Yes--use the Web Gateway connection wizard to define your VT 
terminal type and connect to the UNIX host with the 
connection wizard.

In the default passthrough mode, only one field at a time 
may be data-entered.

The VTxxx support is very new and not well documented...it 
might not be very easy for a Screensurfer beginner to work 
with it until at least simple knowledge about how 
Screensurfer works is obtained.  You should probably follow 
the tutorial using our "Toy Mainframe" first, then tackle 
the VT100 support.

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-08-22 07:19:34  New Status: Pending Customer
By the way, the majoris.com mail server is rejecting all 
attempts to reply to any of your e-mails.  Even e-mails to 
the postmaster are being rejected.