Ticket #582 ( Closed )

Short Description mainframe program misinterprets data entered through script?
Entered By: shneyerova@clickcommerce.com When: 2000-08-08 17:24:30 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: SurferScript
We use HTML forms to collect data from the user, and then 
submit it to the mainframe program using Screensurfer 
For debugging purposes I put 
	<TERESULT HTML Name="ScreenText">
	<PRE><font size=-1><TEAREA 1 1 24 80 
in several places inside the script and use 
ShowAllRecordSets method to print screens on ASP pages, so 
that I can see how data gets entered and submitted.

Our client has reported this problem:
They submit an application with field x set to "Y" and 
expect this application to fail (according to business 
rules application can be accepted only if field x value 
is "N").
This form field maps to the mainframe program field 
correctly (I can see that "Y" when print screens using 
ShowAllRecordSets method)
Application does not fail, the result is different from 
what they would get if enter exactly the same data directly 
into the mainframe screens.
This happe
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-08-09 06:49:06  New Status: Pending Customer
Which version of Screensurfer are you using? (Displayed on 
Console Home Page)

Can you reproduce this with Screensurfer running in 
diagnostic mode?

If you can reproduce it, can you zip-up the 
\screensurfer\hostserver\surfdiag.log and 
\screensurfer\hostserver\templates.log files and email them 
to surfer@ie.com attached to an email with the subject 
ticket #582?
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-08-11 14:40:56  New Status: Pending Customer
We checked the files, unfortunately you sent the 
"httpstop.log" file instead of the "templates.log" file, so 
we can't see what was keyed...

Also, we have gone through the protocol trace (surfdiag.log) 
and there are many, many screens in the recording.

Can you describe the screen that is in error (identifying 
characteristics) and also which field you key the Y in to 
get the error?

Also, you can try our latest version from:

unzip to \screensurfer\bin