Ticket #573 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Connection Error Message in Event Viewer
Entered By: Jay@ALS When: 2000-07-31 19:55:24 Build: 2.0.6D GA
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Troubleshooting
We are receiving the following error message:

A socket error code 2746 occurred during: 

Connection Socket Receive 


The system description for this error code is: 
WSAECONNRESET: The virtual circuit was reset by the remote 
side executing a "hard" or "abortive" close. For UPD 
sockets, the remote host was unable to deliver a previously 
sent UDP datagram and responded with a "Port Unreachable" 
ICMP packet. The application should close the socket as it 
is no longer useable. 

This is causing problems in our application so we need to 
get this resolved.  It appears we are dropping connections 

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-07-31 20:10:52  New Status: Pending Customer
This error is on the in-bound request HTTP/co-server port.

It is usually caused by a user clicking on the STOP icon for 
the browser, or clicking on something else, causing the 
browser to cancel an active request.

If you can at all reproduce a circumstance where this occurs 
and the user is not cancelling a request, please provide the 
steps required to reproduce this error and we will fix ASAP.