Ticket #569 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description ScreenTimeout/Strict Recognition
Entered By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com When: 2000-07-26 12:33:16 Build: 2.0.9Y
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
We are running Windows 2000 and have set our ScreenTimeout
to 600000 to correct a problem currently discussed with 
you.  We are using Strict recognition logic and set a 
timeout=600000 in the code for the zipcode screen as well
as in the registry settings..  that code is added for a 
pf6..  however when i click the continue which goes through
the following code for "none" it still waits the 10 minutes
before continuing to the billing screen.  the same code is
used on our server with windows nt and this isn't a problem.
registry settings are set the same etc.
any idea what may be different with windows 2000.. i've 
tried adding the strict recognition to the section 
with "none" and that doesn't work either.. 
i'm also sending some files to review..
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-07-26 12:37:30  New Status: Pending Customer
This may be a timing problem not encountered on a different 
machine simply because it is faster/slower/different.

Sounds like the strictrecognition is just not 
working...could be the ignoreemptywrites problem also.
Append By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com  When: 2000-07-26 14:07:53  New Status: Pending IE
I've sent the log file and zipcode template attachment.
We are not using the ignoreemptywrites.  Like I said the
only difference is the operating system.