Short Description
ASP Requester Execute method timeout
When: 2000-07-26 11:53:16 Build: 2.0.7D GA
Department: Product
Not Categorized
While using the ASP Requester component, we encountered the
following problem:
We have a computer where the Screensurfer runs and another
computer on the network where the ASP requester DLL is used
within an application process as a normal COM component.
If the Screensurfer computer does not respond for any
reason, an Execute method call in the ASP requester waits
forever. This is just not acceptable, and the client code
should be able to specify a reasonable timeout in order to
protect itself, whether the server is down, or the
Screensurfer script called is lasting just too long.
By: WindSurfer When: 2000-07-26 12:32:14 New Status:
Pending Customer
Good suggestion--we happened to be updating the co-server
components today.
You are right, the socket receive is without any timeouts
and will hang if the backend never comes-back. This
shouldn't occur if the Screensurfer machine isn't available,
but if a script gets hung-up for some reason, it would stay
The timeout has been added initially as a registry setting,
with the ability to add as a property to the
SSurfer.AspRequest object at some point in the future.
We will let you know when it is available after testing.
By: WindSurfer When: 2000-07-26 16:32:45 New Status:
Pending Customer
New version is available at:
To activate the timeout, add the value "TimeOut" as a DWORD
to the registry key:
Set TimeOut to the number of milliseconds you want the
component to wait.
For example, 60000 in decimal would wait for one minute.
If no TimeOut value is specified in the registry, the new
version acts like the old; it waits indefinitely until a
response comes...but note that there should be some kind of
network error if the SS machine isn't available, unless
there is some intermediate machine in your network, such as
a proxy, which is providing the "endless socket"...