Ticket #565 ( Pending IE )

Short Description Any way to pass in the Database name to Screensurfer
Entered By: James Peterson When: 2000-07-12 14:05:26 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: ODBC Support
We define our DSN using "master" as the database name 
because we have mutiple databases on the server that we use 
for our application dynamically.  Do you have a way to pass 
to screensurfer the specific Database name that we want to 
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-07-12 15:09:59  New Status: Pending Customer
We can provide a session-level function to change the DSN 
specification in the TEDECLARE DBSOURCE...but at this point 
in looking at the ODBC functionality, we only have the text 
string that you put-in as the DBSource name as a 
parameter--can you check to see if you can create a DBSOURCE 
that qualifies the target database within your master DSN?

Alternatively, a DSN for each "sub database" can be created, 
and you can use the new function to switch from one to 
another at session start-up time.

If you are setting-up the DBSource as a session-level, then 
as long as you use the DSN change function prior to the 
first use of the database (at session connect/startup time), 
the DSN name isn't used until the first statement is 
Append By: James Peterson  When: 2000-07-20 11:39:44  New Status: Pending IE
That would be a workable solution.  I look forward to 
getting that update when it has been fully tested.
