Ticket #562 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Programatically Connect to Different LU_GROUP
Entered By: dcrawford@yalesecurity.com When: 2000-07-11 13:20:54 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Configuration
Need ability to connect to different LU_GROUP based on 
parameter passed in from appliation co-server.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-07-11 14:25:08  New Status: Pending Customer
You need to allocate the LU_GROUP's first, so that:

LU_GROUP_1         1..50


LU_GROUP_1         1..25
LU_GROUP_2         26..50

(this is in the Admin Console Settings) -- now you have a 
bank of 25 sessions for LU_GROUP_1 and 25 sessions for 
LU_GROUP_2, so that your session pooling works for two 
distinct hosts.

Once you have that set-up, you can then pass in the "host" 
parameter (or whatever), like

<CFX_Surfer GetInfo

<tesection GetInfo
  when tranpath_1 is "get"
   and tranpath_2 is "info">
<teif web.host=="sales">
 <teaction connect "lu_group_1">
 <teaction connect "lu_group_2">
