Ticket #542 ( Closed )

Short Description Are you supporting TN5250E
Entered By: AMIR When: 2000-06-29 10:08:31 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized

It seems that you are supporting tn3270E, but not tn5250E. 
Is this correct? Do you intend to support it? When? 

By looking into the public tickets, it seems that most are 
related to 3270. WE are an AS/400 users. Should we feel a 
bit 'lonely' here ??


Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-07-02 18:29:55  New Status: Pending Customer
TN5250 covers a great deal of functionality which 
essentially parallels TN3270E.

Which features of the Screensurfer TN5250 support are 
missing from the TN5250E specification?

You should not feel lonely.  We have many live 
Screensurfer customers that are AS400-based.

Perhaps due to the more consistent implementation of the 
5250 protocol as compared to 3270, there are fewer issues 
with "odd implementations"...
Append By: AMIR  When: 2000-07-03 22:00:35  New Status: Pending IE
The 'E' in 5250E is for enhancement of handling data stream 
that Telnet supports. 

Mainly used so you can specify your own device description. 

I have the feeling you support it as well?


Append By: AMIR  When: 2000-07-03 22:07:48  New Status: Pending IE
I am also told that with the E, you can also define the 
user name, initial menu, password etc

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-07-04 11:20:59  New Status: Pending Customer
We do support the device name definition--and with that 
support have the ability to define additional parameters, 
although this isn't supported yet.

To define a device name, in the connect string you use the 
"LUName", as-in:

<teaction connect "LU_GROUP_1:tn5250:myhost:23:devid">

This is described in the documentation under Basic 
Scripting/Actions/TEACTION CONNECT...
Append By: AMIR  When: 2000-07-05 01:55:00  New Status: Closed