Ticket #533 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description search for unprotected (input) fields on screen
Entered By: shneyerova@clickcommerce.com When: 2000-06-20 11:36:08 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: SurferScript
i need to find all the unprotected fields (input areas) on 
screen using SurferScript. beginning and end of each field. 
i went through the documentation, but could not find any 
functions to do this.
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2000-06-20 12:09:56  New Status: Pending Customer
To best answer your question, can you please tell us more 
about what you are trying to accomplish?  When you say that 
you want to "find all the unprotected fields (input areas) 
on screen" are you trying to find the unprotected fields to 
put data there or do you just need to know for some other 
reason?  Thanks.
Append By: shneyerova@clickcommerce.com  When: 2000-06-20 13:52:03  New Status: Pending IE
i collect all the data from the user and submit it to the 
mainframe program for processing using SurferScript. 
mainframe validates the input.

if invalid data was submitted (like dealer number that does 
not exist), program does not return any error message.
all it does is it displays an input field for each original 
field that needs to be corrected.
valid data displayed as protected text.

i need to know what fields need to be corrected (if any) to 
display meaningful error message to the user.