Ticket #528 ( Closed )

Short Description Aid Keys
Entered By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com When: 2000-06-08 15:11:11 Build: 2.0.7A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
When using <TESHOW AidButtons("pf4=Continue","")>
Instead of setting the PF4 key to "continue" would it
be possible to use an image file instead.  For instance, 
rather than pf12=Main Menu maybe we would like to use 
a gif file of a house.  
Is this possible and if so what would be the syntax.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-06-08 15:19:33  New Status: Pending Customer
Yes, this is easy, but not as easy as the Aidbuttons 
function...basically, you will use a different approach.

All you need is for each Aid GIF, an input type=image, with 
a name based on the PF key you want to send.  This technique 
is "sort of" documented in Basic Scripting / URL's / 
/surfer/form/Emulator, as the A_pfkey type.


<input name="A_PF12" type="image" src="/img/house.gif">
Append By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com  When: 2000-06-13 14:31:36  New Status: Pending IE
i used the above code to try and use an image rather than
a button to represent my pf keys.  the new image will show
up but when clicked on, it will not go anywhere..  the 
handler no longer sees web.a_pf4 as its' value.. there is 
an x and y coordinate on this in the dev center log file. 
my code is as follows:

<input name="web.a_pf4" type="image" 

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-06-13 14:42:04  New Status: Pending Customer
Have you tried:

<input name="a_pf4" type="image" 

The name should just be plain "A_pfkeyName" without the web. 
in front of it...
Append By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com  When: 2000-06-13 14:44:20  New Status: Pending IE
i tried that originally and that also has the x & y 
positions on the value in the log file..
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-06-13 15:17:54  New Status: Pending Customer
Bang!  Got us.  We goofed on the image.  Sorry! 

It works if it is:

<input type="submit" name="a_pf4" value="Exit">

But not with type=image...to do what you want with an image, 

<a href="Javascript:SurferSubmit('[pf4]')">
 <img src="/docs/Experian/next9.gif" border=0>

Sorry for the run-around...hope this works better for you.

Append By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com  When: 2000-06-13 15:38:47  New Status: Pending IE
i cut and pasted the code you sent back:

<a href="Javascript:SurferSubmit('[pf4]')"><img 
src="/docs/Experian/next9.gif" border=0></a>

it didn't work either..

the below is the log file..
>>Web Hit>> next enter106A/ 1_Dea13625031_16491313 

does this need to be within some other tag somewhere along 
the line..  
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-06-13 16:04:53  New Status: Pending Customer
It is interesting that there are two a_key values in your 
input stream, as well as two c_pos values.  These are both 
produced by the TEFORM tag...is there, by any chance two 
TEFORM tags in your page?

What is happening is that SurferSubmit() can't set the a_key 
value, since there are two of them in the form, which turns 
a_key into an array, not a simple object.

I did just test this in global.default and it worked just 
Append By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com  When: 2000-06-13 16:13:00  New Status: Pending IE
actually we don't have a TEFORM tage in our page
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-06-13 16:24:03  New Status: Pending Customer
OK, for this page, please can you cut & paste the STML that 
produces the form itself, as well as the body tag.

Are you using TEMACRO TERMBODY for the body?

Sounds like you have extra A_Key hidden fields somehow--if 
you are not using TEFORM, how are those hidden fields 
getting into the input?