Ticket #527 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Browser Refresh (Timeout)
Entered By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com When: 2000-06-08 11:27:33 Build: 2.0.7A
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Configuration
I'm using the TEREADYWHEN because I need to conduct a 
search that may take up to 10 minutes.  I also had to 
change the SS Timeout Registry Setting.

This code seems to be working but a refresh is still 
happening at 5 minutes.  Do you know if there is a setting 
for Internet Explorer 5.0 that is causing this or is there 
still a Screensurfer issue?

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-06-08 11:36:40  New Status: Pending Customer
Please compile for trace, reproduce this (in isolation on a 
server--no other activity please!) and send us the 
templates.log file (to surfer@ie.com), including "Ticket 
#527".  Then, we can help determine where the refresh is 