Ticket #525 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description NUMERIC or ALPHABETIC test
Entered By: jennifer.genzlinger@experian.com When: 2000-06-08 11:21:58 Build: 2.0.7A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: TEIF Expressions
I need to do a <TEIF> to see if a field is alphabetic 
another <TEIF> to see if a field is numeric.

After reviewing the Screensurfer documentation, I do not 
see any reference to be able to do that.

How do I code for these tests?  Is there something you have 
available for that?
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-06-08 11:31:44  New Status: Pending Customer
First--thanks for formatting the text to retain the TEIF, 
but ironically, we have fixed the SupportCenter so you can 
just key-in stuff straight, without the <PRE> tags...so, 
FYI, don't bother trying to protect the < chars, because 
they are all automatically preserved now, as is the layout 
of what you key-in.

We would need to add functions for this, which is easy and 
quick to do.  You will need to upgrade to the latest build 
to take advantage of them, however--would that be OK?