Ticket #512 ( Closed )

Short Description TEresult row now capturing all variables
Entered By: pdaly@mentiscorp.com When: 2000-05-11 16:04:09 Build: 2.0.8D GA
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Troubleshooting
We have a table of 5 items that are not all set in the 
result row. The trace file shows that only 4 of the 5 table 
items are set.

If I move item 5 to the top of the row declaration 
then item 4 is not set.

<TEDECLARE ROW  RowName="row"
5 Text 10,
1 Text 10,
2 Text 10,
3 Text 10,
4 Text 10>	

Any thoughts? Do you need more information.