Ticket #508 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Concurrent user issue
Entered By: monteromha@pnb.com.ph When: 2000-04-28 02:22:10 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
the evaluation copy we have has a 10 con-current user 
license, but when we are trying to connec to the server 
with 2 users, one user had a page with message NO SESSIONS 
ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE...., why is this so????

Hope to receive a reply from you soon....
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-04-28 08:00:00  New Status: Pending Customer
If you run scripts with a TEACTION CONNECT in them, you 
will need to ensure that the user isn't leaving sessions 

In production, using a timeout value in the console 
settings along with a timeout script will tidy-up any 
unused sessions.

Next time this happens, open the admin console and check 
"Active Sessions" and you should see more than two, and can 
look at the screens to determine how you left some stranded.

Also, please try latest build at 
ftp://www.screensurfer.com/t2_0_9l.zip (unzip to 

There have been issues with certain script sequences 
running-out of sessions at only half the configured number 
in older builds.