Ticket #506 ( Closed )

Short Description Field-Level Templete Wizard "ReadOnly" TEAREA Tag adds "As" keyword
Entered By: James Peterson When: 2000-04-27 13:22:42 Build: 2.0.7C GA
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: DevCenter SurferScript Generation
While creating a "ReadOnly" field for a normal Input field, 
it adds a "As" keyword in the Tearea tag. 

I.e.   <TEAREA 4 66 4 69 AS READONLY>
 correct syntax is <TEAREA 4 66 4 69 READONLY>

Does not generate a compile error also, just places code 
text on screen.   Tested using the Toy MainFrame.

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-04-27 13:58:24  New Status: Pending Customer
You are right--but in fact this should work, if the correct 
DLL is installed, USEREXT.DLL in 
\screensurfer\hostserver\extensions is a sample extension 
DLL that includes a registered extension of "READONLY" -- 
this DLL is passed the TEAREA based on the AS READONLY.

The "AS WHATEVER" is an extension setting for TEAREA...the 
wizard was written when we only had the DLL version of 
READONLY and before the READONLY attribute was added to