Ticket #497 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description application support
Entered By: monteromha@pnb.com.ph When: 2000-04-17 02:17:01 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
I'm Niņo, a co-employee of Michael, we're working on the 
same project. Can we give you the log file of our 
application then help us modify it, it's been a long time 
now that we can't think of a remedy to skip the screens. 
We already tried using the "skipscan", but it only worked 
on the screens going to our Dimension International system, 
but if we're on the transaction screen itself, it skips the 
screen but still a "pass thru" type.
Hope you could help us.
Thank you.

*surfdiag.log is attached to my email to jeff and 
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2000-04-17 09:33:54  New Status: Pending Customer
Nino, we never received the surfdiag.log file as an 
attachment to surfer@ie.com.  Please start the Screensurfer 
service in diagnostic mode again, navigate to the screens 
where the error is occuring, and resend the surfdiag.log 
and the templates.log file to surfer@ie.com.  Thanks!